Thursday, December 30, 2010

Congrats Malaysia Team@Harimau Malaya

Ada apa dgn hari ni.Takde ape sbenarnya.Cuma last night we won Suzuki Cup yang mana rasanya akan jadi topik hangat bualan rakyat Malaysia hari ni. I watched it last night, and  I also watched the earlier match,what I could say, pasukan muda Malaysia tunjukkan a very good game.

Smalam lepak kat umah Umi since Epul cuti.Aku blk agak lambat dlm jam 8 baru sampai rumah,elok2 jek game start. Dgn still baju kerja,bersemangat duk depan tv. Kiteorg layan tv kat atas since kat bawah Umi nk tengok news.Bila Safee jaringkan goal tu,gile spontan aku bersorak sampai Umi pon duk jenguk kiteorg kat atas.
Actually kat umah Umi,jarang nak ade bersorak2 camni.Biasala aku kalo x sorak2 xde feel la layan bola.Ingat masa tengok World Cup tu,satu family la tengok (except FIL aku),bila time goal jek,cam sumer org xde pon nak bersorak beria.Aku ni cam rase perasaan gembira tu cam x abes di ekpresikan,hambek ko dah keluar ayat dewan bahasa lak.hohoho Tapi tula,lain org lain ragamnye..Tu yg Umi terkejut bila aku duk beria sorak tu agaknye..failed lg jd menantu yg ala2 mithali hihihi

Harimau Malaya team

Yay!!!! Menang...!!!

 Tapi malam td my favourite player is the goal keeper. Aku rase smalam die banyak menyumbangkan kepada kemenangan Malaysia.nampak die bekerja keras selamatkan gawang gol Malaysia as tengok barisan pertahanan agak kelam kabut. And the best part was,he saved the penalty.Good job Fahmi!! btw,does he looks cute?hehehehe (sempat lagi kan..)

And plus the good news,PM annouce tomorrow is holiday as to celebrate Malaysia as the champion of Suzuki Cup. And for my office,baru jek baca my friend yg update fesbuk nye,ari Isnin ni cuti gantian sebab esok kiteorg memang cuti pun (ganti new year yg jatuh hari Sabtu) Double yay!!!

*pics from google

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It is not that I wasn't grateful..

What a long....time that I don't do blogging....Time has been very very precious to me especially during the end of year.Now,just take a break from my super duper job,just to jote sumthing here.

Talking about new year eve which just around the corner,what is my new year resolution??hmmm if last year, losing some weight for wedding was my resolution,which wasnt met the target,as I still looked chubby in the wedding photo.huh. But this year,I don't have any specific thing to achieve,but in the list are:to be a good wife+daughter, reduce the weight (still though) and of course to a better person.Better in term of what?Everything...

But its not about new year i wanna talk about..i will but in other post.
Related to the tittle..
Ok,at my office,we have some sort of technical assessment to measure our capability and it will leads to promotion.I've been assessed and I got the result today.The result is ok but there is some rating that I could not help to argue.Gradually, i comforted myself by telling that the assessor knows better. Then I heard that a friend got a good rating eventho he/she not even could demonstrate that skills.Ok,he/she has experience but none on that subject.I can tolerate if he/she been given like 'knowlegde'  means he/she knowledgable about the subject, but he/she got 'skills' which is equal to 'excellent'.Helllooooo!!!
I'm not being jealous here (okay,i admit a bit jealous,thats normal ,right? we human after all) but I feel an unfair evaluation has happened. It was enough to demotivated me,and i dont feel like i want to continue my job for the rest of the evening.

But..I will be feeling better,not today but for sure tomorrow. A good friend of mine said to me, life does not revolves around that small alphabet on a piece of paper that will most probably get lost sometime in the near future.... and I truly agree. usual..sbg pengubat hati yg lara..lets go to Haagen Dazz!!!! 
Epul...! Blanja plissss..!!