Sunday, August 12, 2012


Pagi tadi tengah nak siap2 buat choc chip.Sambil surf resepi choc chip,sempat check facebook.
Sekali tengok status officemate mentioned one of our colleague has passed away.
Terkejut sebab last Friday sempat borak2 dan gurau2 lagi dgn arwah.

Check kat whataps,ada yang sampaikan berita kat group whataps (kitaorg ada group section kiteorg).
Arwah memang baik and selalu lepak kat tempat aku.Arwah juga yang banyak ajar aku psl software geological modeling masa aku baru merangkak nak belajar.Isteri arwah pun agak baik ngan aku.

Ada yg bagi address for those who want to give last respect to arwah.Terus aku cakap kat Epul,nak pergi melawat arwah.Epul pun kenal gakla ngan arwah,sebab parent arwah mmg baik dgn nenek+atuk Epul,di kejiranan yang sama.

Sampai kat rumah arwah,jenazah baru nak dimandikan.Aku tunggu kat luar sebab nak jumpa K.Irda (his wife) dia tengah sibuk.Datang sebak bila tengok anak2 arwah. Memang ramai yang datang,all our bosses were there and plus the colleague,UM's lecturer (arwah pun UM graduate). arwah memang disenangi ramai,kat office pun memang arwah pemeriah suasana. He was kind,a good boss and good mentor. 

Bila dah dikafankan,sempat tengok arwah sebelum arwah dibawa ke surau berdekatan untuk disembahyangkan.Tenang jer wajah arwah.Epul pergi sekali ke surau untuk solat jenazah.And aku sempat jumpa K.Irda,peluk dia dan aku mampu cakap, sabar ya kak. Terus aku pun takleh nak cakap apa2 lagi. She looked so strong, eventho I know she is crying inside.

Arwah meninggal di bulan penuh kerahmatan,bulan Ramadhan.Dan cousin Epul cerita,arwah sempat tarawih and qiamullail lagi malam tadi.Semua urusan tadi pun berjalan dengan lancar.

Balik dari rumah arwah,keinsafan terasa di hati. Bagaimanalah nasib kita bila tiba masanya saat kematian.

Alfatihah buat Kamarul Hadi Roselee,semoga roh mu dicucuri rahmat.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sayonara handsome

Bye-bye handsome.You such a good company to me all this years eventho with the some hiccups.However, it is time to let you go.

Si handsome ni dah lama berkhidmat ngan aku.It was my 1st car,beli masa gaji yg ketiga kot,hehehe 
Ceritanya camni, dulu aku kerja kat Bangi. Area office aku tak ada public transport. Bulan pertama aku naik LRT sampai KL Sentral,then naik komuter to Serdang,pastu naik cab dengan tambang RM10/one way.Tu ok lagi, time nak balik tu yg seksa,mesti kena call cab siap2,so bayangkan la berapa aku habiskan untuk tambang datang kerja.

2nd month tu,ada la kakak ni offer carpool ngan dia,tapi dia boleh fetch aku kat stesen komuter UKM. Seawal jam 6.15am aku keluar dr rumah,budget jam 7.30am sampai UKM komuter tu.Naik jer komuter,aku tidur. Kira ok gak sebab aku tak pernak terlajak stesen sebab tidur.Elok2 jer lg satu stesen nak sampai,aku terjaga.hehehe

Masuk 3rd month,aku dah pindah dekat sikit dengan office,tp aku still tak ada transport masa tu. So carpool ngan kakak satu office merangkap housemate aku gak. Actually dia yg ajak duk satu rumah ngan dia,sebab dengar aku ada masalah nak dtg office.Kakak ni baik sangat,terhutang budi aku ngan dia,tapi aku ni cepat betul lupa daratan,bila dah senang lupa lak kat dia.(Ni lain kali la aku cerita)

Tak lama lepas tu,aku pun beli la si handsome ni. Masa awal2 tu biasa la,baru dapat kereta, semua lubang aku terjah.Kesian si handsome tu. Ada aku takleh lupa,office aku kat Bangi tu kena reverse parking,HSE punya requirement,terkial2 gak la aku nak parking tu,hinggakan ada satu kereta tu sampai lambat dari aku,dia dah naik ke office,aku masih lagi nak betulkan parking.Haru betul la hehehe. Tapi sekarang aku lagi terrer reverse parking dari front parking.

Banyak lagi la kot kenangan aku ngan si hensem. Bila bawak dia untuk di trade in tu,sedih sangat.Rasa berbuku jek dalam hati. Harusla dah 5 tahun bersama,suka dan duka sentiasa bersama aku.
Tapi disebabkan bunyi2 yang tak menyenangkan dah keluar, terpaksa la aku lepaskan dia pergi,huhuhu

Patah tumbuh hilang berganti, dan penggantinya...........?

Si gorgeous...!!!
Aku harap si gorgeous dapat berbakti pada aku dengan lebih baik,and hopefully our relationship gonna be longer than si handsome.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Batman: 'Dark Knight Rises’

Yay! Nak gi tengok movie ni.Baca review ramai yang cakap best.Tapi tiket tak beli lagi ni,hehehehe

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Book of the month.

Tengok tajuk cam rajin jer membaca kan..hehehe Bukannya tiap2 bulan aku beli buku,tapi starting this month,aku nak ajar beli buku setiap bulan,at least one.Tak kisah la novel romantic ke (mostly ni genre yg aku suka),self motivated ke,buku2 agama ke (ni penting,ok),buku resepi ker,ape jer jenis buku la.

This month,buku ni my BFF beli kat Canada.Giler jauh kan. Actually she balik untuk cuti,so sekali la she bawak balik. Sebelum she balik tu,adala she bagi good review pasal this book. So based on her review,I told her to buy it for me.

pics credit to uncle google (lupa lak nak ambil pics)

So far I finished the 2nd book, what I can say, it is different, exciting, out of the box, off the wall, uncomfortably fantastic trilogy. For those who going to read this book, must have an open mind to understand how great these books are.It's not porn, it's specific and sexual but the psychological factors are endless.

Now I'm just started my 3rd book.Haish...kurus la puasa aku bila baca buku2 camni hehehe.
I heard there will be a movie adapted from the 1st book, `Fifty Shades of Grey' and rumors been spread,Emma Watson is one of the candidates who will play as Anna Steel (the heroine).

Hmmm...Just wondering, if this movie gonna pass the LPF Malaysia, how long the movie would be? (As I said,too many 18sx scene hehehe)

Salam Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah...hari ni dah masuk hari kelima umat Islam berpuasa.Sekejap jer masa berlalu.
Syukur yang tak terhingga kerana masih diberi kesempatan untuk berpuasa pada tahun ini.
Semoga Ramadhan kali ni adalah lebih baik dari sebelum2nya.

Even dah beberapa hari berpuasa, aku belum lagi sempat untuk menunaikan solat tarawih.Hmm..banyak setan yg menghuni dlm tubuh aku ni kot..Yela,yg lain2 kan dah dirantai bulan puasa ni.
Awal puasa tu,masih kat kampung.Bila ramai je berkumpul,semua org cam leka jer nk gi tarawih.
Insyaallah,malam ni nak pergi la.Kat area rumah aku tu,ada beberapa surau,masjid pun ada.Bila masuk waktu solat,memang bersahut-sahutan la azan.Even,kalau hari Sabtu ada ceramah agama,aku tak payah pergi masjid kot,boleh dengar jelas je ceramah tu.

Azam Ramdhan tahun ni,nak banyakkan ibadat,banyakkan doa,cuba untuk solat malam.Hmmm azam bukan main banyak,tercapai ke tak ntah.Mudahan-mudahan dipermudahkan.

For those yang baca blog ni (ada ke?? hehehe),Selamat menyambut ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini. Semoga segala amalan kita diterima olehNya.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Masih lagi flu+batuk2 :(

Huhuhu batuk2 ni masih tak hilang2. Batuk lak sangat la teruk sampai satu tahap,bila batuk terus termuntah. Malam pon susah nk tido sebab asik batuk. Dahla lately cuaca agak panas,so tido pon ber'aircond'.Terpaksa menyapu vicks kat dada,kalo x memang susah nk tido.Tambah lagi dgn flu.

Actually,bila blk umrah hari tu,flu dah takde,just batuk2. Tapi amek gakla MC 2 hari,sebab kepenatan. Skali weekend tu,diserang flu lagi sampai la sekarang. Aku rasa batuk tu mmg susah nk baik sbb aku tak berpantang makan pun.Air sejuk pon aku bedal.Tak tahan kot,bila panas2 pastu ada yang blanja Gonng-cha green tea tu (aku dah addicted kot ngan minuman nih,haish..) Sudahnya malam tu batuk menyerang.Ingatkan petang ni nak pegi farmasi mintak ubat batuk yg paling kuat la.Ubat batuk yg doc kasi cam tak berkesan jek. Epul cam malas nk layan aku sebab dia cakap aku degil x nak jaga makan,tapi bila aku sampai termuntah2 tu cuak gak dia hehehe.

Takpela,ni semua ujian Allah nak balas dosa2 kecik aku ni.Tapi yang aku heran,demam2 pun selera makan aku tetap ok.Sejak aku ambil diane tu,mmg selera bertambah2,kononnya nk turunkan berat badan,takde maknanya.makin naik ada la,risau aku.bukannya aku x cuba utk kurangkan makan,tapi aku diserang gastrik lak.Rutin makan aku pon berubah,bfast mesti amek yg heavy,setakat bfast oat+milo ada yg kul 10 lebih tu gastrik aku datang.Ni mmg nak kena bgtau Doc Marsita nih.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


baru sampai rumah malam tadi.flight dr jeddah transit 2 kali.kul 5.30pm br sampai klia.penat+batuk2. will update later.nak rest dulu..

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Journey...

insyaAllah..jam 10 pm ni kitaorg akan berlepas utk umrah. doakan agar kami selamat mengerjakan umrah dan selamat kembali. tadi call my parent,bila mintak maaf ngan mak (walopun yg keberapa kali) dan mintak halalkan semuanya,terus datang rasa sebak.sampai takleh ckp.

Monday, January 16, 2012


It is not because of Monday, but lately I feel a bit demotivated. Hmm..I need to start counting my blessing.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


i wanna go somewhere for vacation.but where?huhuhu
still not sure the destination.wanna go to somewhere cold.japan?korea?hong kong?india?
thinking about india,but really need a good planning.
Does epul agree? that is the problem when your soulmate not share the same interest.
i love travelling but... *sigh*

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Farewell friend..!

happy new year!! it's been almost fortnight pass new year and here i am wishing happy new year,hahhaha we still have chinese new year tho :)
tempted to update the blog with so many events happened recently,but indeed i'm not born with writer passion.*sigh*

the resolution for this year is renew the last year resolution,hahaha
of course,reduce some weight is one of it.i'm even have a bet with my colleague that i can slim down in 3 months,and now i have only a month before the time's up.hahhaha i think he will win this bet bcause my weight just like goes down and up again. yes,i know..i'm not really stick to my diet plan huhu
forget about diet,the important thing is i am healthy and happy hihihi

talking about happy,today is not a happy day to me.a good friend of mine will taking off to overseas for a year work assignment .that is written in her offer letter,but it can extend to 2-3 years there.i'm happy for her because she got the opportunity that not all the staff can have.but at the same time,i feel a bit sad that i will lose (for a while) a friend which 'sekepala' with me. we have been friend quite sometime,knew her when we were assigned to the same project.then after that project completed we even end up in the same section and our cubicle just next to each other.she is an easy going person and love to laugh.i guess at our office will be not the same when she's gone.

the thing is,with her i never feel being judged.even i told her the worst thing.we r not shared the same interest but we always have something to talk. and the best thing is we r not really like gossiping about anyone else other than ourself is true,even there was a time,when a colleague tried to eavedrop us,to know what gossip we were talking,at last he laughed at us and wondered how talked about a thermos could make us so excited.hahaha but that's us.and we love to try any good place to eat even it cost us a bomb, after that we counted days to salary because we both broke.hahha

anyway,life goes on. for sue,wish u all the best and have fun freezing at canada.*evil laugh*
pray that God will bless me with a lot of 'rezeki' so that i can go and visit you there.